Wednesday, October 28, 2015


We watched more of the movie today in class. We a lot farther ahead of the other classes so we had 25 minutes to sit and do nothing. We finished with India and went to Japan. Japan is having the opposite problem India is having, they aren't having enough kids. By 2050 they are expected that 1 in 3 people will be over the age of 60. The women are starting to work more because they need the money to pay for things like taxes. So now the women and the men are never home to take care of kids. It is also very expensive to send kids through education in Japan so that makes people less willing to have them.

Monday, October 26, 2015

the people paradox

Today we went over what we watched from Friday. we went over facts like 1 in 10 kids die before they are 5, or how there is 177 million people living in the area equivalent to Colorado. We watched a little bit more of the show and learned more and more astonishing facts. I was thrown out of class because i said lacrosse is better which is 1000000000000 percent true. This has always been true and always will be for baseball has absolutely not excitement to it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


today we talked about the extra credit for this quarter. What we can do is find a few people that look interesting and write about their story. That would be worth 5 extra credit points, the other thing is also worth 5 points. In order the get those you actually donate 25 dollars to someone through the website. And the last 5 points goes to the class with the most participation in the extra credit. I think I will do the extra credit, and donate 25 dollars.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

test review

Today we went over the test we took last week. I got an 83 on the test, I thought I aced the test but it turned out I didn't. The test will be helpful for the final test at the end of the semester. There were several answers that the class had to vote to allow or disallow. I was the only one that said no, but it was passed.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Today we took a test, most people thought they failed it. I for one did not think it was that hard of a test. The hardest part for me was rate of natural increase and GDP. I forgot my computer at my house so I had to wait until someone else finished the computer part so i could use theirs. Mr.Schick scared me because I thought I was going to not complete the first part. It was 10 questions out of 30 something, so that means the highest i could get was like a 66. Which is not a good grade what so ever.

Monday, October 12, 2015


today in class we reviewed what will be on the test next class. the words we have to know are,
Life expectancy
Developed nations
Developing nations
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Rate of natural increase
Net migration rate
Push/pull forces
Total fertility rate
Infant mortality rate. I know most of them and i feel comfortable taking this test. For the rest of class we worked on blogs and i don't know what we did after that because it hasn't happened yet.
Today was also Mr. Schick's anniversary, he has been married for 24 years.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

CIA world fact book

Today we shared our facts with the class, you had to get an answer correct in order to share one. Everyone in the class didn't allow Jake to ask a question until Mr.Schick gave it to him. Sam had a few questions that were almost impossible to find, for example the number of people in the world that are in a military force. Some of the other facts were very interesting and others were boring. I thought the activity was very fun and enjoyable, i hope we can do it with other topics later.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

population day 2?

I think we finally finished the power point and we finished talking about it. After finishing we did an activity using the CIA website to look up information. We looked up things like percentage of Catholics in US, Canada, and Mexico. It surprised me that mexico had the highest percentage with around 78%. i thought it would have been lower then the US and Canada. US being last did not surprise me because Maryland and the north east is mainly catholic, most of the rest of the country isn't especially in the south.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


We finished the population slide show yesterday, we talked about people going to mars. Personally I don't think it will happen for another 50 years because we cannot over come the gravity pull. And if we do it will be a one way trip that is limited in time. We also talked about what causes the life expectancy to go up and down in a country. We said it was based of off lifestyle and health care.