Monday, November 30, 2015


Today in class a few people made up their tests the rest of us took last Tuesday. For the rest of us we did other work for other classes. That was our class and I don't know what else there is to talk about...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Today we took the test on religion and cultural geography, I think I did well on the test. It wasn't really that hard except for a few questions. I think I will get a low A. I don't know what else to talk about so I think i'm done.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


today in class we started out by interpenetrated a map of different ways people say soda in the country. We started out a little weird by asking how they say pop and other things. Then we started talking about how the country is still sorta separated. The north was one way and the south was a completely opposite way. We talked about why Florida has a different way then most of the south, it is because people in the north retire and move to Florida for retirement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Today in class Mr. Schick gave the teaching position to some students today, I was one of them. I asked a few questions about what we did while Mr.Schick was at the wedding for his niece. When i was the teacher I didn't feel as if I did a horrible job. When Sam and Connor were the teachers they had no control over the class. Most of the time we got in arguments and they just fed the fire. At the end of class Mr. Schick showed us a video on how just because we aren't effected by terrorism and stuff doesn't mean that it can't happen to us.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

religion 2

Christianity: 31.4%
Islam: 23.2%
Hinduism: 15%
Buddhism: 7.1%
Folk religions: 5.9%

Abraham has a large part on all three religions, he is believed to be the father of all in three religions. Abraham is not as big of part in Christianity as he is in Islam and Judaism, Christians focus more on Jesus. In Judaism they do not believe their messiah has come so they focus on him. And Islam believes a messiah has come but it was not Jesus.

Indulgence is a way to reduce the amount of punishment one goes through because of their sins. The priests would pray to god that they would get into heaven, people believed this because they thought priests had a better connection to God.

Hajj is considered the largest annual gathering of people in the world. Hajj is a mandatory pilgrimage for those who are physically and financially capable of going. Hajj means to intend a journey.

The Samhitas are collections of metric texts. There are four "Vedic" Samhitas: the Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda, most of which are available in several recensions. In some contexts, the term Veda is used to refer to these Samhitas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Today in school we went over more facts about religions. We finished Christianity, it is the largest religion in the world with 2.2 billion people. The second largest is Islam with 1.5 billion followers. They are called Muslims, their leader is Muhammad and lived 400 years after Jesus. They are split into two sections, the Sunnis (75-90%) and the Shiites (10-20%), who actually hate each other when they believe in most of the same things such as the Qur'an. And the last religion we learned about was Hinduism, the have 1.1 billion followers, most live in India and in Nepal. Hinduism is not as much as a religion as a way of life, their holy book, the Vedas, is in song form and can be easily memorized. They have no definitive founder since it is one of the oldest religions still believed in.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Today we took a quiz on the video we have been watching for the past week or so, I got a 87 on it. The quiz wasn't that hard except for a few questions that were close between two countries. Most of the class we didn't do anything, there was a fire drill scheduled in the middle of the class so we weren' going to take it. Then they changed the time so we ended up taking it. It took me only a few minutes to finish, once everyone had finished we talked.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Today Mr.Schick gave us a study day. We did not learn anything.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Today we got new seats in class, although most people sat in the back and Mr.Schick said he would move those people forwards, he did not :(. We finished the movie today and started discussing what we should do to those countries. We started off with legitimate reasons to help them, and good ideas, one I did not agree with but all were down to Earth. Then some people started saying rather strange ones, for instance, lets just buy the other countries and make them part of the United States.Another one was, lets just nuke them all, Mr.Schick became very worried if we were the future of our country.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Today Mr.Schick could not get YouTube to work on his computer. we watched a few minutes of it before it kicked us off. We reviewed what we have written down the past week or so on India, japan, and Africa. We have seen how India has to many young people, japan has to many old people, and how Africa has to many kids and not enough adults.