Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Today in school we went over more facts about religions. We finished Christianity, it is the largest religion in the world with 2.2 billion people. The second largest is Islam with 1.5 billion followers. They are called Muslims, their leader is Muhammad and lived 400 years after Jesus. They are split into two sections, the Sunnis (75-90%) and the Shiites (10-20%), who actually hate each other when they believe in most of the same things such as the Qur'an. And the last religion we learned about was Hinduism, the have 1.1 billion followers, most live in India and in Nepal. Hinduism is not as much as a religion as a way of life, their holy book, the Vedas, is in song form and can be easily memorized. They have no definitive founder since it is one of the oldest religions still believed in.

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