Thursday, January 7, 2016

climate change

today we finished the bill nye video and discussed climate change. we talked about electric cars and why they haven't been more commonly used. how the gas and car companies don't want them because they will lose money in the short term. I think the idea of electric car is stupid, the time it takes a full charge to go out is way faster then when a tank of gas goes out. so that means more charges, and more charges require more electricity that come from power plats that uses most likely coal or gas to make the electricity. so both are equally as bad for the environment, I also think that we are causing all this climate change is not true. I think the world is going into a heat age and this is maybe the first time we know what is going on. we have not experienced what happens when the world goes into a heat age, we do not know if this is normal or not normal. the ice ages may take thousands of years but the heat ages may not, I do think we aren't helping but I do not think we are the sole reason that the world is heating up.

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