Thursday, September 17, 2015

3 things about the video

1. The first fact that i found interesting was that 1 in a million people in china is actually has 13,000 other people just like them. It shows how over populated china is, which is interesting because the Chinese buy apartments in other cities that are called fake cities. No one lives there, there are sky scrapers in the middle of no where with no one in them. Then they have millions of people in one city with 20 skyscrapers.
2. The second fact I found I found was that in 2049 they expect to have affordable computers that can think with emotion and reason. If this is true I think the robot over rising is coming sooner then we though.
3. Last I found that India has more honor students then we have kids. Not only does this show how much more population they have but also how smart they are. I'm sure India or china will end up taking over the world because of those two things. And when you think about it they kinda already have, China makes almost everything and all and India has all of our costumer support. Both have been doing it silently for the past 20 years.

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