Monday, December 7, 2015

facts about world leaders

Today in class we talked about half of the countries we did last week. We talked about their main leaders and facts about them. Such as that Angela Merkel is one of the most powerful women in the world. Dilma Rousseff stood up against her country in the 60s and 70s, she was captured and tormented for three years. Xi Jinping is the son of one of the founding fathers of chinas modern government. Francois Hollande had no experience in government before he became Frances president. And how netanyahu has lived in the united states as a child. We still have the other half of the countries we will do Wednesday.

Saturday, December 5, 2015

extra credit

Today we went over extra credit avalible for class. It is a rap song of everything that has happened this year. I do not think i will be doing this for that I cannot write anything musical. The rest of class we did nothing, some of the guys listened to Christmas music remixes. And that is what we did last mod of Friday :).

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

world leaders and governments

federal republic 
President Enrique PENA NIETO
communist state 
President XI Jinping
Image result for XI Jinping
federal republic 
Prime Minister Narendra MODI
Image result for Narendra MODI
President Vladimir Vladimirovich PUTIN
federal republic 
Chancellor Angela MERKE
Image result for Angela MERKEL
United Kingdom: 
constitutional monarchy and conventional wealth realm
Prime Minister David CAMERON
Image result for David CAMERON
President Francois HOLLANDE
Image result for Francois HOLLANDE
federal republic 
President Dilma ROUSSEFF
Image result for Dilma ROUSSEFF

republic under an authoritarian regime
President Bashar al-ASAD
Image result for Bashar al-ASSAD
a parliamentary democracy, a federation, and a constitutional monarchy
Prime Minister Justin Pierre James TRUDEAU
parliamentary democracy
President Fuad MASUM
Image result for Fuad MASUM

parliamentary democracy
Prime Minister Binyamin NETANYAHU
Image result for Binyamin NETANYAHU
Image result for Reuven RIVLIN

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

cultural geography

Today we went over the test we took last week, I got a 93 on it so I was happy. We then started to talk about cultural geography, we started off with the difference between county, state, nation-state, and nations. We went over a list of traits that a place must have in order to be considered a country. We discussed how Somalia is not a country more then a failed state. Somalia does not have a strong economy, a transportation system, a government(public services and police), or sovereignty over their country. Class ended with a video of a cartoon naming all countries part of the UN in the early 90s. one country, Yugoslavia, had not had their civil war then and i noticed Nepal was not on the map.

Monday, November 30, 2015


Today in class a few people made up their tests the rest of us took last Tuesday. For the rest of us we did other work for other classes. That was our class and I don't know what else there is to talk about...

Tuesday, November 24, 2015


Today we took the test on religion and cultural geography, I think I did well on the test. It wasn't really that hard except for a few questions. I think I will get a low A. I don't know what else to talk about so I think i'm done.

Thursday, November 19, 2015


today in class we started out by interpenetrated a map of different ways people say soda in the country. We started out a little weird by asking how they say pop and other things. Then we started talking about how the country is still sorta separated. The north was one way and the south was a completely opposite way. We talked about why Florida has a different way then most of the south, it is because people in the north retire and move to Florida for retirement.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


Today in class Mr. Schick gave the teaching position to some students today, I was one of them. I asked a few questions about what we did while Mr.Schick was at the wedding for his niece. When i was the teacher I didn't feel as if I did a horrible job. When Sam and Connor were the teachers they had no control over the class. Most of the time we got in arguments and they just fed the fire. At the end of class Mr. Schick showed us a video on how just because we aren't effected by terrorism and stuff doesn't mean that it can't happen to us.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

religion 2

Christianity: 31.4%
Islam: 23.2%
Hinduism: 15%
Buddhism: 7.1%
Folk religions: 5.9%

Abraham has a large part on all three religions, he is believed to be the father of all in three religions. Abraham is not as big of part in Christianity as he is in Islam and Judaism, Christians focus more on Jesus. In Judaism they do not believe their messiah has come so they focus on him. And Islam believes a messiah has come but it was not Jesus.

Indulgence is a way to reduce the amount of punishment one goes through because of their sins. The priests would pray to god that they would get into heaven, people believed this because they thought priests had a better connection to God.

Hajj is considered the largest annual gathering of people in the world. Hajj is a mandatory pilgrimage for those who are physically and financially capable of going. Hajj means to intend a journey.

The Samhitas are collections of metric texts. There are four "Vedic" Samhitas: the Rig-Veda, Sama-Veda, Yajur-Veda, and Atharva-Veda, most of which are available in several recensions. In some contexts, the term Veda is used to refer to these Samhitas.

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Today in school we went over more facts about religions. We finished Christianity, it is the largest religion in the world with 2.2 billion people. The second largest is Islam with 1.5 billion followers. They are called Muslims, their leader is Muhammad and lived 400 years after Jesus. They are split into two sections, the Sunnis (75-90%) and the Shiites (10-20%), who actually hate each other when they believe in most of the same things such as the Qur'an. And the last religion we learned about was Hinduism, the have 1.1 billion followers, most live in India and in Nepal. Hinduism is not as much as a religion as a way of life, their holy book, the Vedas, is in song form and can be easily memorized. They have no definitive founder since it is one of the oldest religions still believed in.

Thursday, November 5, 2015


Today we took a quiz on the video we have been watching for the past week or so, I got a 87 on it. The quiz wasn't that hard except for a few questions that were close between two countries. Most of the class we didn't do anything, there was a fire drill scheduled in the middle of the class so we weren' going to take it. Then they changed the time so we ended up taking it. It took me only a few minutes to finish, once everyone had finished we talked.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Today Mr.Schick gave us a study day. We did not learn anything.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015


Today we got new seats in class, although most people sat in the back and Mr.Schick said he would move those people forwards, he did not :(. We finished the movie today and started discussing what we should do to those countries. We started off with legitimate reasons to help them, and good ideas, one I did not agree with but all were down to Earth. Then some people started saying rather strange ones, for instance, lets just buy the other countries and make them part of the United States.Another one was, lets just nuke them all, Mr.Schick became very worried if we were the future of our country.

Monday, November 2, 2015


Today Mr.Schick could not get YouTube to work on his computer. we watched a few minutes of it before it kicked us off. We reviewed what we have written down the past week or so on India, japan, and Africa. We have seen how India has to many young people, japan has to many old people, and how Africa has to many kids and not enough adults.

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


We watched more of the movie today in class. We a lot farther ahead of the other classes so we had 25 minutes to sit and do nothing. We finished with India and went to Japan. Japan is having the opposite problem India is having, they aren't having enough kids. By 2050 they are expected that 1 in 3 people will be over the age of 60. The women are starting to work more because they need the money to pay for things like taxes. So now the women and the men are never home to take care of kids. It is also very expensive to send kids through education in Japan so that makes people less willing to have them.

Monday, October 26, 2015

the people paradox

Today we went over what we watched from Friday. we went over facts like 1 in 10 kids die before they are 5, or how there is 177 million people living in the area equivalent to Colorado. We watched a little bit more of the show and learned more and more astonishing facts. I was thrown out of class because i said lacrosse is better which is 1000000000000 percent true. This has always been true and always will be for baseball has absolutely not excitement to it.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015


today we talked about the extra credit for this quarter. What we can do is find a few people that look interesting and write about their story. That would be worth 5 extra credit points, the other thing is also worth 5 points. In order the get those you actually donate 25 dollars to someone through the website. And the last 5 points goes to the class with the most participation in the extra credit. I think I will do the extra credit, and donate 25 dollars.

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

test review

Today we went over the test we took last week. I got an 83 on the test, I thought I aced the test but it turned out I didn't. The test will be helpful for the final test at the end of the semester. There were several answers that the class had to vote to allow or disallow. I was the only one that said no, but it was passed.

Thursday, October 15, 2015


Today we took a test, most people thought they failed it. I for one did not think it was that hard of a test. The hardest part for me was rate of natural increase and GDP. I forgot my computer at my house so I had to wait until someone else finished the computer part so i could use theirs. Mr.Schick scared me because I thought I was going to not complete the first part. It was 10 questions out of 30 something, so that means the highest i could get was like a 66. Which is not a good grade what so ever.

Monday, October 12, 2015


today in class we reviewed what will be on the test next class. the words we have to know are,
Life expectancy
Developed nations
Developing nations
Crude birth rate
Crude death rate
Rate of natural increase
Net migration rate
Push/pull forces
Total fertility rate
Infant mortality rate. I know most of them and i feel comfortable taking this test. For the rest of class we worked on blogs and i don't know what we did after that because it hasn't happened yet.
Today was also Mr. Schick's anniversary, he has been married for 24 years.

Saturday, October 10, 2015

CIA world fact book

Today we shared our facts with the class, you had to get an answer correct in order to share one. Everyone in the class didn't allow Jake to ask a question until Mr.Schick gave it to him. Sam had a few questions that were almost impossible to find, for example the number of people in the world that are in a military force. Some of the other facts were very interesting and others were boring. I thought the activity was very fun and enjoyable, i hope we can do it with other topics later.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

population day 2?

I think we finally finished the power point and we finished talking about it. After finishing we did an activity using the CIA website to look up information. We looked up things like percentage of Catholics in US, Canada, and Mexico. It surprised me that mexico had the highest percentage with around 78%. i thought it would have been lower then the US and Canada. US being last did not surprise me because Maryland and the north east is mainly catholic, most of the rest of the country isn't especially in the south.

Saturday, October 3, 2015


We finished the population slide show yesterday, we talked about people going to mars. Personally I don't think it will happen for another 50 years because we cannot over come the gravity pull. And if we do it will be a one way trip that is limited in time. We also talked about what causes the life expectancy to go up and down in a country. We said it was based of off lifestyle and health care.

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

NIKE sweatshops day 2

Today we talked about the video yesterday and what we thought of it. We talked about how Donald trump wants to make all of the big corporations to move their factories to america so we can have the factory jobs. We talked about the minimum wage, i think raising it or lowing it makes no difference because if more people have money money, in theory, becomes less because people are charged more for things. If it is lower the dollar, in theory, becomes more because there isn't as much money in circulation. This was an outcome of the civil war and it was horrible for the Norths and Souths economy. So i think we should leave the minimum wage where it is because it seems to be working now.

Monday, September 28, 2015

NIKE sweatshops

I feel that video was very moving and i think it had an impact on NIKE, and the workers. I know that the company has tried to change that in the last 10 years since the man tried to change it. I felt horrible that i spend more on a pair of shoes then what the people make in a month. I think if i find that NIKE hasn't done anything to change their ways i might never buy a NIKE product again.

Thursday, September 24, 2015


Today we changed seats, we all were pretty much separated except a few. We went over some more pictures from the slide show from a few days ago. We talked about the silk road and how that was an example of globalization. Then we talked about a person in a remote place of Kenya with a phone. we talked about how much has to happen in order for the phone to work. And finally we talked about gladiators and Christians being persecuted in ancient Rome.

Wednesday, September 23, 2015

test review

Today we reviewed the test that we took last week. a few people got A's, I got a 89. if I had done better on a essay I would have gotten a ding. My goal next test is to get an A on the test. We had two shadows today and I think they were bored because our class wasn't that interesting today. We didn't do anything for the first 10 minutes and the last 5 minutes so it was a pretty univalent day.

Monday, September 21, 2015

IDEK(i don't even know)

The first 15 minutes today was spent looking at a picture of KFC and McDonalds in China. It had a caption underneath it talking about globalization and Americanization. We proceeded to talk about it and what we wrote, we talked about how american companies make their stuff in other countries and how we make stuff for other countries. We looked at where our clothes were made, and how it is cheaper to make things in china then it is in america.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

3 things about the video

1. The first fact that i found interesting was that 1 in a million people in china is actually has 13,000 other people just like them. It shows how over populated china is, which is interesting because the Chinese buy apartments in other cities that are called fake cities. No one lives there, there are sky scrapers in the middle of no where with no one in them. Then they have millions of people in one city with 20 skyscrapers.
2. The second fact I found I found was that in 2049 they expect to have affordable computers that can think with emotion and reason. If this is true I think the robot over rising is coming sooner then we though.
3. Last I found that India has more honor students then we have kids. Not only does this show how much more population they have but also how smart they are. I'm sure India or china will end up taking over the world because of those two things. And when you think about it they kinda already have, China makes almost everything and all and India has all of our costumer support. Both have been doing it silently for the past 20 years.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

first test

I don't think the test was very hard, i think i got a b but i didn't have and major problems. I forgot that type or print a stenographer uses and what the mountains name is now. The multiple choice was very easy i think i got them all right. the vocab was a little bit more different because I forget how to spell things like perihelion. The short answers were easy so was the question about what Socrates was being tried for. And finally the BCR's were easy and didn't require along paragraph for a answer. I think think test was easy and fair, I just hope they don't get harder.

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

the draft and death penalty

Today in class we went over more of Socrates and his death. We talked about the death penalty and how lethal injections aren't always working in modern times. Then we started talking about what idiot means in greek, it means selfish and not wanting to help the community. We talked about how people that are younger don't vote. Two reasons that we concluded was it is too much work and that you have to do jury duty once you do sign up. Then we talked about the draft in the Vietnamese war and how still today we have to give our information so we can be drafted.

Monday, September 14, 2015

class today

Today in class we reviewed the words given to us Friday. We talked about how the united states is actually a republic and not a democracy. A few ways that we show democracy by voting in modern times is same sex marriage, legalizing medical marijuana, and school redistricting. We also spent a fair bit of time talking about Socrates and how he let people believe what they want and questioned them on why they believe in that. He was trialed for two things, his defense was that they should be thanking him and giving him free meals for life.

Saturday, September 12, 2015


Agora: A public space used for assemblies and markets in ancient Greece.
Polis: A city state in ancient Greece.
Importance of 508 BC: It was the year the klisthenis came to power.
Socrates: was a ancient Greek philosopher.
Death of Socrates:He was poisoned because he did not claim to loyalty when a new power rose.
Socratic Method: It is when questions are asked that causes critical thinking, such as why one believes on one side of an argument.
What it means if you're called an idiot: When they say it, they are saying you are a lazy citizen and you don't do your work.

Friday, September 4, 2015

5 ways to better improve my time at John Carroll

One thing I am trying to do is play sports, i play soccer and lacrosse. By joining teams I have made many fiends that are in some of my classes. Having friends makes high school seem a lot less worst and more enjoyable, you have people to talk to and to hang out with. Another thing is doing my homework, homework helps out your grades a lot. 10 homeworks might balance out a bad quiz or test score. I would also go to sporting events and meet new people. I would be interactive with the JC community and see our teams win and lose. By going to games i might meet people from other schools which is another way. The final way is to get a foreign exchange student. By adopting one i will be able to see other cultures and how other people live.

Thursday, September 3, 2015

fourth day of school and we still haven't done anything

Today in class we talked about Mr.Perry and how Mr.Schick could never be as mean as him. We also had a lecture on how inactive we are by not answering questions. We have been given another chance and if we don't take it we have to do writing instead of discussions. Most of us switched seats so it confused Mr.Schick and makes it harder for him to learn our names. Mr.Schick also asked us why tryhard is suppose to be an insult when trying hard is a good thing.

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

A Message To Garcia

I agree with the person writing this essay, as technology gets better people become more lazy and depend on it more and more. If all technology were to stop working today our society would go corrupt. People would not be able to function if they couldn't use their phones, computes, or anything that requires electricity. And with this technology people worry more about it more then their jobs, all the time i see people who are on breaks for a half an hour on their phones. Also people waste as much time as they can doing a few things thinking they will get out of doing others but will still have to do it the next day. As time goes on i think we will become fully connected with technology to the point that if it goes, so do we.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

second day of school

Today we got all of our blogs figured out. Mr.schick told us that we will be learning about Aristotle the next few days. We also learned his first rule, never leave your computer unsupervised. When Matthew left his open Mr.Schick wrote a blog on his account. I also found out that Mr.Schick likes encyclopedia, while most teachers don't, he thinks information is remotely accurate on it. Today was fun but I can't wait till we start learning about how human cultures are different and things of that sort.

Monday, August 31, 2015

being a freshman

For me it is very nervous and different. I use to go to public school so the uniforms are different and so is are the class schedules. I don't know what to do if I'm late for school, or if I'm absent. I don't know any of the teachers or much of anybody that is older that I can ask for advise. Things i do like is that i get to start over, i get to meet new people and be a different person. The teachers are a lot more relaxed and more enjoyable, you can joke with them and have fun. All the classes seem to interest me and extra curricular activities do too. I cannot wait for this nervousness to fade and for me to have fun in every class.